Our Facility
We have a beautiful 4,200 square foot historic building, that includes an expansive outdoor play area with plenty of shade. We separate our guests based on size into small kid groups (<35lbs) and large kid groups (>35lbs). We also take temperament into consideration when splitting groups, shy timid pups in the small, and outgoing high energy pups on the large. Our facility allows for both groups to play inside in our climate-controlled play areas and outside in shaded play areas at the same time. Additionally, we have a state-of-the-art grooming salon to pamper your kid in all the best ways.

Additional Features
Our facility also offers the following services and amenities:
- 24/7 on-site supervision
- Cage-free boarding
- State-of-the-art streaming webcams
- Jungle gyms and play runs
- Private areas for your kids if they need some quiet rest time
- Temperament testing evaluation rooms
- “After grooming” waiting rooms to ensure your newly pampered kid comes home clean
- Added fire protection for all indoor areas through ceiling sprinklers monitored by the Louisville Fire Department
- Mounted TV’s and audio system throughout playing Dog TV and Animal Planet
- Vinyl coated cyclone fencing both indoors and outdoors to ensure small kid groups (<35lbs) and large kid groups (>35lbs) remain separated
- For the outdoor perimeter, double fencing that includes a vinyl coated cyclone fence reinforced by an additional 8-foot wooden fence, providing further security to ensure child safety